Solhaug Canoe & Leisure
Solhaug Canoe & Leisure is connected to Solhaug Gård which is located by Utgårdsjøen at Finnskogen. Here you can rent a canoe with complete equipment, get training, transport as needed and stay overnight in a cabin. They offer breakfast, dining in the barn, fishing opportunities and adapted "Finnskogsvandring" - walkinging i the forrest.
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Solhaug Canoe & Leisure is connected to Solhaug farm located by Utgårdsjøen at Finnskogen (about 35 km from Kongsvinger on the Swedish border). Here you can rent a canoe with complete equipment, get training, transport as needed, accommodation w / breakfast, cabin holiday, dining in the barn, fishing, small game hunting, get adapted Finn forest walk.
For example, if you want to connect canoeing with cultural walks and accommodation, they will arrange it. If you are a group (e.g. company or schools), they adapt the program as desired. They have showers, saunas and hot tub.
The three cabins Stabburet, Veslestua and Tunli have respectively 7, 11 and 8 beds .