A biking tour!

  • Tours
  • 01.10.2023
Finnskogen sykling scaled e1618924250652

Experiencing the Kongsvinger region from the bike seat can be one of the best ways to get to know our green region. There are countless opportunities for cycling tours, from Åsnes in the north to Eidskog in the south.From the bike you can experience the history of old forrest-finnish settlements, cycle past steep hills, large bogs and over flat, open pine forests. Here you can take your bike and choose between varied cycling experiences along forests, hills and water. Along the many cycle paths you'll find accommodation, sights, fishing lakes and nature reserves. Bring a group of friends, family or just pedal alone in the beautiful cultural landscape here in the green heart of Norway.Below are some tips for popular cycling tours in the Kongsvinger region. It would be an advantage to update yourself on maps and tour descriptions via the municipality's website or the local DNT team before you travel.

  • Written by:
    Mari Finsen
“ The pure, random stroke of luck is fairly rare. You usually have to give luck a helping hand. ”
- Hans Børli

Happiness is a bike in the green heart of Norway!

Villmarksruta - "The wilderness Route" - National cycle route no. 9 (825 km in total)

National Cycle Route No. 9, also known as the Wilderness Route, stretches roughly from Halden to Trondheim and takes in the wild forests of Eastern Norway. It is a long route with many kilometres of cycling over several days. Route no. 9 is a great nature experience and is suitable for adults and young people who are used to cycling.

The wilderness route here in the region does not have many steep uphills, but many gentle ones. The gravel roads you encounter in Finnskogen are in part completely car-free. It is a vast and relatively untouched outdoor paradise. You can cycle a long way without meeting anyone and the silence in these forests is wonderful. This is largely a walk in a quiet forest sea through sparsely populated areas. If you want to experience silence and long stretches that are virtually traffic-free, the Wilderness Route is for you. For city dwellers, this can be a very exotic experience. You can cycle a whole day without meeting anyone, this is an area that is unique, both in a Norwegian and European context. The Wilderness Route is forest cycling at its very best!

On Villmarksruta you are close to nature and the journey through Finnskogen is characterised by wide gravel roads, various lakes and ponds, watercourses, large pine forests and a number of hills. There are also a number of campfire sites, simple picnic areas and shelters at several of the ponds along the route. The route crosses, or runs close to, the Finnskogleden trail in several places. This marked 240-kilometre hiking trail runs from Morokulien at Magnor in the south to Osensjøen in the north.

Accommodation can be found at the cosy Finnskogen Inn and Motel in the heart of Finnskogen at Svullrya, and at the peaceful and lovely Finnskogtoppen SPA. Good food and drinks are also served here!

Wilderness route no. 9 goes right past an old shop at Øyermoen, Brandval Finnskog. Here you will find both accommodation and food at Nedre Øieren Gård and the Finnskogleden trail passing by. A breather here also gives you great experiences and knowledge about the forest Finnish culture here in Finnskogen.

The wilderness route is signposted as a national cycle route, burgundy signs with a cycling logo and 9 numbers.

Sykkel på tur i odalen


Frysjøen around (24km)


Kjerkesjørunden (28 km)


Rotnarunden (45 km)

Namnå-Monsrud-Byersetra-Bjørsjøen-Styggedalsbekken-Hytjanstorpet-Nersjøen -Høytjennet-Butjennet-Namnsjøen-Namnå

Skasenrunden (42 km)

Skasenden-Torderudsetra-Frysjøberget-Råstua-Surstad-Morttjernsberget-Stampetorpet-Fv202 north-eastwards-Rotna-Svartberget-Lønhaugen-Skasberget

In Grue, there are several suitable accommodations in combination with these hikes, such as Skaslien Gjestgiveri, Finnskogen Turistsenter and Finnskogtoppen SPA. They also serve great food and drink!

For more tips for cycling tours in the area, see



Dulpetorprunden (36km)

Dæsbekken wilderness centre-Velta-Kanalbråten-Kverntjern-Høytjenn-west side of Rotna-Velta-Dæsbekken

Gjesåsbergrunden (28 km)

Flisa centre-Kjellmyra-Sønsterud-Hemli-Kvernmoen-Skybakk-Gjesåsen church-Sønsterud-Kjellmyra-Flisa

Klokkenrunden (29 km)

Flisa-Nordre Sætre-Åslia-Knapptjernet-Lauvlitjennet-Klokkentjern-Lauksjøåa-Kløvtjernet-Åslia-Flisa

Posåsrunden (Juvbergsløyfa) (44 km)

Kafe Finnskog- Kroksjøen-Possåsen-Sjutomstjernet-Juvberget-Haldammen-Slettmoen-Flisaelvas west side-Dal-Øvre Flisbrua-Kafe Finnskog

Posåsrunden (Robgergsløyfa) (51 km)

Kafe Finnskog-Kroksjøen-Posåsen-Sjutomstjernet-Flisaelvas west side-Sagbrakka-Lindbergsetra-Melsjøen-Abborfosstjernet-Sævsjøen-Rogsjøen-Gransjøen-Dal-Øvre Flisbrua

Posåsrunden (standard) (30 km)

Kafe Finnskog-Kroksjøen-Posåsen-Sjutomstjernet-Flisaelvas west side-Dal-Øvre Flisbrua-Kafe Finnskog

Overnight stays are recommended at PAN Tretopphytter, Flisa Camping and Victoria Hotell.

For more tips for cycling tours in the area, see


Vekterveien in Eidskog (35km)
The route runs from Åbogen in the north via Matrand, Skotterud and to Magnor in the southeast. From Skotterud the road goes southwest over Tobøl and to Vestmarka.

Accommodation in Eidskog is recommended at beautiful Ingelsrud Farm, idyllic Søstun Farm, or at the famous Montebello Camping. At Magnor you will also find the delightful bakery Ingelsrud Konditori and the famous Magnor Glassworks.

Høgdarunden in Sør-Odal (8.5km)

Medium steep climb up to Mangsethøgda. Continue on to Mohøgda. At Mohøgda you have a view southwards all the way to Tryvannstårnet. From here there are two nice descents to Mørkånga. Then follows a small stubble on a gravel road before it turns into a path again. It is a gentle climb on a path up to Einerudhøgda again.

Accommodation in Sør-Odal is recommended at Slobrua Gjestegård with delicious food and drink, popular Sanngrund Camping where you will be served delicious dishes, stately Austvatn Gård or Milepelen Vertshus at Sigurd Hoel's home place Sagstua in Nord-Odal.

Vingersjøen round (18km)

This tour is a great way to get to know the area around Kongsvinger. The tour has no hard uphills. Follow the fairly low-traffic roads Konduktørveien and Lerkeveien out of town southwards, before entering Kongeveien which eventually turns into a gravel road towards Tarven. Follow the road through the golf course and north to Granli and from there the road continues on the east side of Vingersjøen. Cross the E16 and continue the road up the hill past Skansegarden and Nesteby, here there is little traffic and great views of the lake. The last stretch goes along Glomma and the railway towards the city centre. The hike is suitable for young people and adults in normal physical shape.

Accommodation in Kongsvinger is recommended at the majestic Castle Hotel in Kongsvinger, which also serves delicious food and drink, the pleasant Vinger Hotel with its excellent cuisine and the cosy Sigernessjøen Familiecamping.

Happy cycling!

Flisa Camping Flisa

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Visste du at Hans Børli ble født på denne dagen for 105 år siden?💚«Det eneste gode jeg har å si om disse forbannede vinterkveldene, er stjernehimmelen.» Hans Børli.🌲Dikteren Hans Børli (1918–1989) levde hele sitt liv i Eidskog kommune. Han vokste opp under små kår inne på Fjeldskogen. Han ble tidlig glad i bøker og utmerket seg på skolen. Forsøk på videre utdanning ble stoppet av krigen. I krigsårene vikarierte han som skolelærer på sitt hjemsted, arbeidet i skogen og fungerte samtidig som grenselos for flyktninger til Sverige. Da freden kom, stiftet Hans Børli familie og flyttet til Tobøl. Skogen ble hans fremtidige arbeidsplass, som tømmerhogger.Hans Børlis er ofte blitt karakterisert som «Skogens dikter», en betegnelse han selv både likte og mislikte. Utgangspunktet var skogen. Den kjente han bedre enn noen. Trolsk natur, drømmer, blodslit, sorg og glede. I sin kamp med ordene førte han oss inn i politikk, til fremmede kulturer og ble i økende grad opptatt av eksistensielle problemer som ensomhet, krig, fangenskap, angst, tro, tvil og død.Børlis litterære produksjon strekker seg over tidsrommet 1933–1988, fra han debuterte i Kongsvinger Arbeiderblad med skolestilen «I snestorm og kulde» til hans siste, retrospektive verk, «Med øks og lyre». I alt ble det 22 diktsamlinger og seks prosabøker. En diktsamling, en roman og en aforismebok, «Tankestreif», er utgitt posthumt. Hans Børli skrev forøvrig et par uhøytidelige skuespill og bidro med fortellinger, dikt og noveller i flere aviser og ukeblad. Dessuten var han en flittig brevskriver.Hans Børli er oversatt til flere språk, blant annet tjekkisk, russisk, tysk og spansk, og han mottok en rekke litterære priser. @hansborli_tyrielden @Oppistuen #hansbørli #skogensdikter #skog #eidskog #oppistuen #kongsvingermuseum #anno #norgesgrønnehjerte #visitnorway