Camping in the green heart of Norway

  • Camping
  • 07.06.2023
M Ontebello To sprelske

Did you know that the Kongsvinger region has several idyllic campsites? Here you can stay right by rivers, lakes and in the deep forests. Nature is close by, and you can enjoy the peace and quiet, while choosing exciting activities if you want to. Our region is great for fishing, paddling, swimming and enjoying life! Here is an overview - click on the links for more information about each campsite.

    In the far north of the Kongsvinger region you'll find the newly restored Flisa Camping - a gem of a campsite right by the Flisa River, a tributary of the Glomma that flows peacefully through the Kongsvinger region. Here you'll find comfortable cabins for hire as well as motorhome pitches and glamping tents. Færder Bistro serves delicious food and drinks, and of course they have an ice cream parlour and a playground that will attract the interest of the youngest guests.

    The proximity to the beautiful Finnskogen forest provides many opportunities for forest experiences such as hiking on trails, cycling, fishing and discovering the unique forest Finnish cultural heritage. Eastwards you are led into the deep forests where silence reigns. A mysterious landscape with lakes and ponds that invite you to experience nature from morning to night. Along the border with our neighbouring country Sweden, we recommend a stop with a motorhome or caravan in the heart of Finnskogen, Svullrya. Here you'll find spacious pitches with fire pits and within walking distance of places such as Finnetunet, where you can familiarise yourself with Finnish forest traditions.

    Flisa Camping Flisa
    DNT Finnskogen og omegn

    If you continue to follow Finnskogen southwards, you will eventually come across the peace monument at Morokulien. A beautiful symbol of peace and harmony between two good neighbours! There are two great campsites in this area - Morokulien Camping and the Montebello Camping. The proximity to Sweden adds an extra dimension of possibilities to your holiday!

    On the way west again, Sigernessjøen Family camping is a favourite stop for many. The idyllic Sigernessjøen lake offers opportunities for swimming and other water sports. And if you're a golf enthusiast, what has been voted Norway's best golf course 8 years in a row is just within a stone's throw! Just across the lake is Sjøstrand Camping - a natural and idyllic place with opportunities for fishing, swimming and a great hiking terrain right next door. We recommend taking a trip to the lookout point at Hornkjøltårnet - an old fire tower, which has been restored and offers a 369-degree panoramic view of the area. On clear days, you can see all the way to the Tryvann Tower in Oslo!

    Hornkjøltårnet Marianne Bredesen Snurr Globus snurrglobusreiseblogg
    Kongsvingers Golfklubb

    Even further west lies Odalen and lake Storsjøen. Connected to the Glomma river through Oppstadelva, this lake is a fantastic opportunity to hire a canoe, go fishing with a local guide and swim at several suitable bathing spots. At Songnabben Camping you can stay with a beautiful view and proximity to Lake Storsjøen!

    And finally, we recommend a visit to Sanngrund. The campsite has been located along the banks of the Glomma River for more than 50 years and has served delicious food and drinks to passers-by and locals for all these years, as well as offering beautiful cabins and camping and motorhome pitches. The hosts will meet you with a smile and great service - welcome to the green heart of Norway!

    M Ona Nordøy 4
    Mona Nordøy
    Sanngrund regnbue

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